Moderator, Legal Plus Indonesia & SE Asia Summit on International Arbitration and Corporate Crime (Jakarta, September 2022)
Group Advisor in the Young ICCA Mentoring Programme
Lecturer and Panelist at the SIAC Academy “Tribunal Secretaries in International Arbitration”
Group Advisor in the Young ICCA Mentoring Programme
Lecturer and Panelist at the SIAC Academy “Tribunal Secretaries in International Arbitration”
Facilitator and Panelist at the SIAC South East Asia Academy “The Making of an Advocate and an Arbitrator”
The J.J. Agro Decisions: What Makes a Judge ‘Arbitration-Friendly’? in International Arbitration: Issues, Perspectives and Practice: Liber Amicorum Neil Kaplan (HKIAC eds)
Visiting Lecturer at ESSEC Business School, Singapore: Teaching a course on “International Alternative Dispute Resolution” as part of the post-graduate course on “International Business Law and International Arbitration”
Speaker: “Blood, Sweat and Tears: A Career in International Arbitration”, Kuala Lumpur (event co-organized by ICC Young Arbitrators Forum (ICC YAF) and Young Practitioners Group KLRCA (YPG KLRCA))
Speaker: ICC Institute Training for Tribunal Secretaries, Singapore
Visiting Lecturer at Université Aix-Marseille III (Université Paul-Cézanne): Teaching a course on “ICC Arbitration”, Master 2/DJCE Droit des affaires internationales (Master program in International Business studies), Faculté de droit d’Aix-Marseille III (Law faculty, Aix Marseille III)
“Der Schutz deutscher Auslandsinvestitionen in Lateinamerika” (Protection of German Investments in Latin America), co-author with Dr. Markus Perkams, Wirtschaft und Verwaltung (Economy and Administration), 31 - 50, 2009
“Drawing a Contrast: Interim Measures of Protection in International Arbitral Proceedings – The United States v. Germany”, The Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration (2005) 9 VJ 49-68
News article: “Downer-Hill Joint Venture v Government of Fiji”, International Arbitration Law Review, (2005) 3 Int. A.L.R.N-37